We thoroughly check every single aircraft that operates within our network. From the lightest to the heaviest, every single aircraft is properly verified and monitored in order to provide services within our network.

Always Rated:
All providers within our network must be rated by any of the most globally recognizable third-parties certifications in the industry. We work closely with ARG/US, IS-BAO and WYVERN; the highest safety rating auditors in the charter industry. They thoroughly rate the provider’s safety practices related to the operations, maintenance, flight department and safety management culture within the operators career.

Crew Experience:
Experience matters and we count every single detail. From our youngest crewmembers to the oldest, all crew members must meet with the highest standards and requirements for Part 135 operations.
All of our flights must count with 2 pilots (Pilot In Comand and Second In Command)

COVID-19 Procedures:
The welfare being of our customers and crew members is our priority during these times of uncertainty. We monitor any developments regarding the COVID19 situation worldwide and adhere to all health regulations the FAA, CDC and WHO recommend to deliver the best and safest experience to all of our customers. We also count with Air ambulance providers within our network which specialize in transporting passengers with COVID in the US and internationally.

Flight Overview:
From the moment you book your plane until you arrive to your final destination, our duty as a company is to verify all the safety standards are met and exceed our customers expectations on each stage of the flight. Every single process within our organization is internally verified and cross-checked with our partner vendors to provide the smoothest and luxury experience on all services.